Wednesday, September 2, 2009


See full size image

This is what I'm practicing this week. What is it?

Psychometry was first coined by American professor of physics Joseph Buchanan in 1842. Buchanan combined the Greek words "psyche" ( soul) and "metron" measure to form the word psychometry. Measure of the soul. Buchanon believed that all objects have souls or retain energy that can be picked up by another soul. He took vials of compounds and placed them in his students hands and with great success had them identify the compound by picking up on their energy or what he called their soul.
Soon after this got out other scientists started performing similar tests.
I do have to mention that in this age there was no internet, i no telephone as we know it today and no TV. However several instances of enlightenment popped up across the world in different locations:
  1. Emanuel Swedenborg Mid 1700s inspired the formation of the Swedenborg Church -Sweden
  2. Fraz Mesmer Early 1800s Father of Mesmerism - Germany
  3. Andrew Jackson Davis 1860s - refined Spiritualist technique upstate NY
  4. Spiritualism was spurred into existence by the Fox sisters in Hydesville, NY in 1848.
  5. Spiritism Alan Kardec, French Spiritism in the mid 1850s
  6. 1920s Sir Arthur Conan Doyle helped influence Spiritualism in the UK
These are only a few people and their movements who utilized psychometry and practiced metaphysics. I might also mention Buddha, Krishna and Jesus Christ. All great men/archetypes who were mediums and psychics who Im sure used psychometry as well.

Psychometry is the basic building block of picking up on energy/vibrations/the soul to start or improve communication.

Monday, August 31, 2009

What are these Chakra things?

Chakras are energy centers that run from the base of your spine out the top, or crown, of your head. The word chakra is a Sanskrit word, meaning wheel or disc. There are seven major chakras, each a circular wheel of light spinning in your energetic system, associated with certain body parts, a color, stone, element, and function. By learning to tune into the energy of your chakras, you can begin to utilize your own personal power. I often felt a "sensation" over certain chakras but really had no in depth knowledge as to what they were or what they did until about 5 yrs ago.

For me personally i can feel a light pressure between my eye brows when I start getting a message from the other side. I can feel a fluttering of this energy or spirit and i make sure I turn my attention to myself to bring out the message.

Before I really knew what i was doing I would dismiss the feeling as an itch or something. Now its reproduced itself and proven itself as a reliable way for me to know that I am about to get a message from a discarnate or the other side. Ok yes discarnate is a fancy word for spirit or someone passed over. I picked that up from a Brazilian study group here in NYC called Spiritists, not "Spiritualists". They are the Southern Baptists of all Metaphysicians/Spiritualists. They really emphasize the need to work with your own personal chakra system and develop personal energy atunement.

Speaking of Atunement!

You must check this guy out on my radio station:
Peter Goldbeck is his name. He is a very talented and advanced pranic (energy healer). Peter does a show that can be heard Mondays at 12pm est named " Understanding and Activating Your Power to Heal"
I also run his atunement everyday at 12noon Monday - Friday.

Peter uses your energy centers or Chakras to atune you to your personal power and ability to heal. No Im not saying he or you for that matter will make disease vanish, but will/can help you facilitate healing.

Many psychics see the development of their chakras as essential to being able to properly connect with other people's/spirit energy.

This takes us to the word Medium.... When we raise our energy or vibrations the curtain between this world and the otherside becomes thinner.... there is a meeting space or "medium" for communication.

Hopefully I haven't lost you on this one but wanted to convey how important Chakras really are.

Use the chart above. Do a meditation from youtube. It really works and with practice I can promise you will feel something starting to stir.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Ohh Boy! Anyone up for Fishing?

Yes I believe that we are all born with some level of psychic and or mediumistic ability. However sometimes people can get ahead of themselves and really give others who are fighting hard to bring a basic truth to light a bad wrap, all for their personal financial gain. I'm sure Sylvia has or had some talent, but is clearly not utilizing her gift properly. What is happening here is Sylvia is concerned about showbiz and the ratings she brings to the show. I don't feel like she actually picked up on any vibrations from spirit to give this poor lady any accurate information at all. She cold read her, basically looking at her and psychologically and guessing what her situation might be. When she found out she was off, she started fishing and guessing then rationalizing her reading. Intrinsically flawed methodology. Sylvia GET BACK TO BASICS. Take a peek:

Friday, August 28, 2009

Socially Responsible Vampires?

Bite Me.

Ok so I know that the psychic thing is a bit of a hard pill to swallow to a lot of people but how about vampires?
Yes I believe in psychic/mediums/ghosts/spirits and NO I do not believe in physical vampires. HOWEVER, I am hooked on TRUEBLOOD.
Trueblood, in my opinion, isn't really about vampires. Yes the vampires are the vehicle for the message but they are also every person who has ever had to fight for anything in their life or has been misunderstood. Be it an immigrant in the 20's to the US or a person with a disability or a divorced parent who is trying to date again. There are lots of lesson about social responsibility. Becoming responsible for your own actions and integrating into society, team work and sifting through the truth. The storyline is exciting and you don't have to thing too hard about the meaning. Very well written.
This is a must see! It crosses political,cultural and racial lines. Yes it is a bit racy sexually at times. No kids around the TV!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Aunt Sue - Surprise Guests

Today I felt the urge to call my Aunt Sue. I have fond memories of my Aunt Sue taking my cousin Jennifer and I to their beach house during the summer, popping pop corn and letting pop into the air so we could catch it as well as some other great memories. I believe the Sue, like my dear mother , is a gifted psychic who just hasnt developed her skills formally. Anyway today we were talking on the phone and were on the subject of my Uncle Jackie who passed over three years ago. All of the sudden I got a tingling sensation on my forehead between my eye brows. Its a familiar sensation that lets me know Im about to get a message from the other side. My Aunt lives in the bible belt, but i know she is open to spirit communication, but I dont want to freak her out or do anything to offender her religious beliefs. So I gingerly try and keep up with our conversation as I start getting names and dates. I finally just out right start asking her is she is familiar with these names. Gave her "Sam" the date 1942, Ester and get this name "BOOBY". Turns out Sam was her first husbands father's name who adored her, Ester was an aunt of hers who she just today started journaling about after 20 yrs of not thinking about her that much. Now onto "BOOBY. I have to give you the way Spirit gave me the name for you to really appreciate this. I was almost afraid to tell this to my aunt who is in her 60's for fear that she might reach through the phone and spank me like a kid for being vulgar. Anyway I say a lady clutching her right breast saying to me " this is my name" It was odd and shocking to me.... I got the name Booby or Titty.. Turns out I had an Aunt Ruth who her sisters called "Booby". Booby's daughter died yesterday morning. I guess that was Booby's was of letting us know she was around and had collected her daughter yesterday to help her over to the other side. Strange story yes, but I found it comforting in a parental way after I had found out about the recent passing of her daughter.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Mainstreaming Starts in Mass Media

OK Ok enough banners.... What is my point by putting these up? Simply to state the fact that the world is changing. Even 8 yrs ago you would never see a major network TV show solely based on metaphysics or psychic/mediumship work. Has the psychic/medium/metaphysics world made progress reputation wise? I think so.
In the 60's it was all to common place to practice but was the social agenda of a movement and not the credibility of the work. Today withstanding the criticism and condemnation of the right wing christians. We see people opening up to the idea that yes life does exist past our last human breath and communication with those who have passed on is proven without a doubt. Its not just a money make, its going to become integrated into our way of life. A whole reputable highly trained industry of skilled practitioners, broadcasters and enthusiasts has emerged. Yes there are plenty of phonies out there, and there will always be. Watch out tricksters fakes though, regulation is coming. Where there is money there is regulation. Don't be surprised if you see an AMA of the psychic world in the next 10 yrs. Am I over optimistic in this blog ? Maybe a tad but there is a lot of truth here. Mark my word...

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Spirit at the Gym - Healing

Funny how this stuff works. I went to Ballys to work out as I do every week day morning. As I was stepping into the parking lot I ran across a guy in his mid 40s sobbing. Im normally a very private person and dont intrude but I asked him if everything was ok. He looked up at me embarrased and said he was just having a hard day. I told him I was sorry and hoped his day went better and gave him a pat on the back. That opened up the floodgates and he went on to say that he had just lost someone last week and wish he could have told them goodbye. The tears started to flow again.

I immediately got the name Marsha. Green box of letters. And saw a red honda SUV pull up in my minds eye.

So im nervous at this point. I dont want to give out info im not sure applies to this guy. Taking a risk I asked him if he knew a Marsha. I thought he was going to jump out of his skin and asked how I knew her? He said its a small world. Then he recounted his steps.

I said that sometimes I am able to communicate with people who have passed over.

Turns our Marsha was his wife of 18 yrs who passed away last week. I told him she said that she is telling him goodbye now and loves him very much. He continues to cry. I went on to tell him that she is watching over him and will communicate with him through a song a dream or a thought. I then told him about the red Honda SUV. He pointed to his car in the parking lot, her Honda SUV she drove and walked me over to it, opened the back hatch and showed me a green paper covered box of clothes he was taking to his sister in laws house after the gym.

He said I dont know how I did what I did but felt better and was thankful. He wanted to go for breakfast and ask questions. I was late for an appointment. But agreed to talk to him again at the gym.

Touchy situation. I think I made a new friend or at least work out buddy. I dont know if Marsha will visit me again with a message again but am thankful I was part of her healing her husbands heart maybe even just a little.

Healing energy -- photograph by Elan Sun Star