This is what I'm practicing this week. What is it?
Psychometry was first coined by American professor of physics Joseph Buchanan in 1842. Buchanan combined the Greek words "psyche" ( soul) and "metron" measure to form the word psychometry. Measure of the soul. Buchanon believed that all objects have souls or retain energy that can be picked up by another soul. He took vials of compounds and placed them in his students hands and with great success had them identify the compound by picking up on their energy or what he called their soul.
Soon after this got out other scientists started performing similar tests.
I do have to mention that in this age there was no internet, i no telephone as we know it today and no TV. However several instances of enlightenment popped up across the world in different locations:
- Emanuel Swedenborg Mid 1700s inspired the formation of the Swedenborg Church -Sweden
- Fraz Mesmer Early 1800s Father of Mesmerism - Germany
- Andrew Jackson Davis 1860s - refined Spiritualist technique upstate NY
- Spiritualism was spurred into existence by the Fox sisters in Hydesville, NY in 1848.
- Spiritism Alan Kardec, French Spiritism in the mid 1850s
- 1920s Sir Arthur Conan Doyle helped influence Spiritualism in the UK
These are only a few people and their movements who utilized psychometry and practiced metaphysics. I might also mention Buddha, Krishna and Jesus Christ. All great men/archetypes who were mediums and psychics who Im sure used psychometry as well.
Psychometry is the basic building block of picking up on energy/vibrations/the soul to start or improve communication.